"Scroll CSS Animations"


If there's one thing that separates the web dev pupil from the sensei... it's knowing how to add highly unnecessary CSS animations to your site.


For this project, I specifically decided to teach myself "scroll" animations; for example, make certain headings fade-in from the left, or from the top.

Low and behold: https://animations-lymarrie.vercel.app/


How is this possible? 🤔

To accomplish this, I used two tools:

  1. The Intersection Observation API
  2. react-intersection-observer (npm)

The Intersection Observation API

The Intersection Observation API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element (HTML tag on my page) with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.

This is a native web API, and is supported natively across all modern browsers (accounting for 96.94% of global traffic); making it a safe choice for CSS animations.

More specifically, this API allows you to configure a callback that is called when either of these circumstances occur:

  1. A target element intersects either the device's viewport or a specified element.
  2. The first time the observer is initially asked to watch a target element.

Based on when an event occurs, all that must be done to create the animation effect is to conditionally alter the target's CSS, based on two options: <strong>invisibility vs. visibility</strong>.

Using the css below, here's how the logic works:

  • If target isn't visible
    • Apply fadeIn-hidden CSS
  • If is visible (which, triggers the Intersection Observer callback)
    • Apply fadeOut-hidden CSS
/* Make HTML invisible, add blur, set at y=-20% */ .fadeIn-hidden { opacity: 0; filter: blur(5px); transform: translateY(-20%); transition: all 1s; } /* Make HTML visible, remove blur, set at y=0 */ .fadeIn-show { opacity: 1; filter: blur(0); transform: translateY(0); }

In the earlier GIF, these CSS classes specifically are what make my face fly in along the y-axis.


To date, I've been using Next.js for all of my development projects, so I decided to search for a React wrapper of the Intersection Observation API.

To no surprise, one already exists called react-interactive-observer, which at the time of writing gets 1.4 million downloads a week.

Here's how the wrapper works:

  1. useInView hook

    This wrapper exports a hook, useInView that creates a ref and inView boolean.

    import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer'; const { ref, inView } = useInView({ threshold: 0, });
  2. Attach ref

    The ref goes on whatever element you want to observe

    <div ref={ref} className={`fadeIn-hidden ${styling}`}> {children} </div>
  3. Observe inView changes

    When inView evaluates to true, set CSS to fadeIn-show

    const styling = inView ? `fadeIn-show` : '';

Tying it all together, here's my finished component (GitHub source code):

"use client" import React, { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer'; interface AnimateOnScrollProps { children: ReactNode; hiddenClass?: string; showClass?: string; } const AnimateOnScroll: React.FC<AnimateOnScrollProps> = ({ children, hiddenClass = 'fadeIn-hidden', showClass = 'fadeIn-show', }) => { const { ref, inView, entry } = useInView({ threshold: 0, }); const styling = inView ? showClass : ''; return ( <div ref={ref} className={`${hiddenClass} ${styling}`}> {children} </div> ); } export default AnimateOnScroll;

What's nice about this approach is that I can override the default styling as necessary. Refer to the example below, where I pass in different hide vs. show CSS classes:

// Default styling <AnimateOnScroll> <h1>Luc Marrie</h1> <Image ... /> </AnimateOnScroll> // Overriden styling <AnimateOnScroll hiddenClass="fadeFromLeft-hidden" showClass="fadeFromLeft-show" > <h2>Digital Artist 🎨</h2> </AnimateOnScroll>
/* Set position left on the x-axis */ .fadeFromLeft-hidden { opacity: 0; filter: blur(5px); transform: translateX(-100%); transition: all 0.8s; } .fadeFromLeft-show{ opacity: 1; filter: blur(0); transform: translateX(0); }

As such, I'm able to achieve a left-to-right animation using translateX():


Closing Thoughts

It was much easier to implement scroll animations than I thought... thankfully, many professionals before me have come and created game-changing tools like the Intersection Observation API, and the React wrapper.

Before these tools existed, I truly cannot imagine how people were able to accurately detect target intersections... presumably they were doing all these now OOTB calculations from scratch.

Once again, I tip my cap to all the brilliant minds who came before me. Thanks to them, we live in a world where so many complex problems can be solved with simple configuration now.

In terms of next steps:

  1. If it's not already implemented on the rest of my website... you should see some of these animations soon 😉
  2. As a roadmap item to this project, I want to implement a "staggered" effect using child elements. For example, if a target has three <p> tags in it, I want each paragraph to come in half a second after the previous one. This idea is inspired by Fireship.